Woah, this is it my friends!
Besok, kami, tim dari SMA N 1 Pekalongan akan datang untuk mengikuti Lomba Cerdas Cermat UUD 1945 & TAP MPR tahun 2011 di Semarang~
Semoga disana bisa ketemu sama yang lainnya, menambah teman (dan duit, hihi), serta bisa berlomba dengan maksimal :)
Saya jadi ribet sendiri mikirin lomba ini, soalnya lomba ini tanggal 25-29 Mei 2011, sedangkan 29 Mei 2011 ada seleksi AFS tahap 2 (yes, I'm in!) dan 30 Mei 2011 nya ada Ujian Kenaikan Kelas. TIDAAAAAK XO
Semoga saja bisa berjalan dengan lancar semua, amin :)
Ayo, kanca-kanca neng Pekalongan, dukung dewe yo :D
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
H-1, LCC UUD 1945 & TAP MPR Tahun 2011 dan H-5 Seleksi Tahap 2 AFS Chapter Semarang
The girl who has just shout out her mind is
veeholic (Salma N.V.A.)
who shouts when the clock says
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
random shouts

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Random News
Quick updates~
- LCC UUD & TAP MPR kita juara 1 se-Karesidenan Pekalongan! Woohoo! Sekarang masih persiapan buat ke Provinsi tangal 25-29 Mei 2011 nanti. Yuhuu, peserta Jateng LCC UUD & TAP MPR tahun 2011, siap-siap ketemu kita ya :D
- I'm not in the Chemistry team TTATT
- 23 April 2011 : Sendratari Time! Alhamdulillah BACINDER (Bawang Cinderella) dapet juara III (tapi harapan)
- 30 April 2011 : Farewell Party di Smansa. Teenager Soul nggak jadi tampil huhu :'(
-1 Mei 2011 : Ikut seleksi AFS tahap 1 di Semarang. Ebuset, saya ngawur bin ngarang. Yang pas ngarang juga kebikinnya kayak puisi -,-. Paling nggak lolos~
- 13 Mei 2011 : Friday the 13th. Bener-bener membawa hari sial buat saya, tapi tertutup karena asiknya acara LAS (Lomba Antar Sangga) pas ekskul Pramuka :D
- Future events : 30 Mei 2011 - SEMESTERAAAN! TIDAAAAK XO
- LCC UUD & TAP MPR kita juara 1 se-Karesidenan Pekalongan! Woohoo! Sekarang masih persiapan buat ke Provinsi tangal 25-29 Mei 2011 nanti. Yuhuu, peserta Jateng LCC UUD & TAP MPR tahun 2011, siap-siap ketemu kita ya :D
- I'm not in the Chemistry team TTATT
- 23 April 2011 : Sendratari Time! Alhamdulillah BACINDER (Bawang Cinderella) dapet juara III (tapi harapan)
- 30 April 2011 : Farewell Party di Smansa. Teenager Soul nggak jadi tampil huhu :'(
-1 Mei 2011 : Ikut seleksi AFS tahap 1 di Semarang. Ebuset, saya ngawur bin ngarang. Yang pas ngarang juga kebikinnya kayak puisi -,-. Paling nggak lolos~
- 13 Mei 2011 : Friday the 13th. Bener-bener membawa hari sial buat saya, tapi tertutup karena asiknya acara LAS (Lomba Antar Sangga) pas ekskul Pramuka :D
- Future events : 30 Mei 2011 - SEMESTERAAAN! TIDAAAAK XO
The girl who has just shout out her mind is
veeholic (Salma N.V.A.)
who shouts when the clock says
Sunday, May 15, 2011
random shouts

You can call this shout as :
Help (Tasukete)
Time is running out
As we say that, we rushed outside
Saving our things, our life, our hope from
Under the crumbling grounds
Kneeling, praying, everything to call God
Everything is still crumbling apart
Tick tock, tick tock
Earth, it's the end
As we say that, we rushed outside
Saving our things, our life, our hope from
Under the crumbling grounds
Kneeling, praying, everything to call God
Everything is still crumbling apart
Tick tock, tick tock
Earth, it's the end
The girl who has just shout out her mind is
veeholic (Salma N.V.A.)
who shouts when the clock says
Sunday, May 15, 2011
random shouts

I'm Sorry (Gomenasai)
Guilt, angst and sorrow
Only those things are inside my heart
Miserable, that's what I'm feeling now
Enough, enough, stop it!
No more, I can't take it no more
All of the things that I've done to you
Such cruel things, why I'm doing it in the first place?
Such cruel things, why I'm doing it in the first place?
Anything, I will do it as long as
I can say these words to you
The girl who has just shout out her mind is
veeholic (Salma N.V.A.)
who shouts when the clock says
Sunday, May 15, 2011
random shouts

I Like You (Suki Desu)
Say it again, say it again
Under this starry sky
Keep your promise, remove this chest pain
I am waiting for your reply
Delusion? Of course it's not, right?
Everything that you said, it's the fact
So say it again, just for tonight
Us, united by the paperless contract
The girl who has just shout out her mind is
veeholic (Salma N.V.A.)
who shouts when the clock says
Sunday, May 15, 2011
random shouts

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